Kumaha cara mayar di AppStore, iTunes sareng iCloud ti Nagara Kami saatos ngablokir Visa sareng MasterCard
Dina Maret 2022, pangguna produk Apple mimiti ngalaman kasusah mayar jasa Apple - AppStore, iTunes sareng iCloud. KP nyarioskeun kumaha anjeun tiasa mayar jasa ieu dina kaayaan meungpeuk

In February 2022, some banks were disconnected from the SWIFT system, and sanctions were imposed on a number of credit institutions. In early March, Visa and Mastercard payment systems left the market. Users of Apple technology are having difficulty paying for Apple’s proprietary services. At the same time, the cards of the Mir payment system continued to work, but on March 24 they were also blocked. At the same time, all previously working methods are indicated in the list available to users from Our Country on the official Apple website.1.

By the way, Apple users will not be left without digital subscriptions. Instead of paid Apple Music, for example, you can use domestic music services, it is easy to pay for their subscription directly on the official website of the service. The same examples apply to other analogues of software that are in Apple operating systems. 

The main concern of most users: how to pay for AppStore, iTunes and iCloud subscriptions? Healthy Food Near Me, together with expert Grigory Tsyganov, answered this question, and also considered several payment methods.

Mayar ku kartu kado

On some trading platforms, you can purchase an Apple gift card and use it when paying for the AppStore in the regions of the Federation. But when buying it, you should be as careful as possible: there is a risk of getting a fake card. First of all, we recommend that you pay attention to the reviews from sellers and make a choice based on them. We also advise you to compare the cost of the card and its face value: these two parameters may differ. 

Pikeun ayeuna, ieu mangrupikeun metode anu kabuktian pikeun ngagaleuh aplikasi sareng langganan anu mayar ti Apple Store. Tapi nalika ngagaleuh, anjeun kedah émut yén daérah akun Apple kedah cocog sareng daérah kartu kado. Upami teu kitu, anjeun moal tiasa ngaktipkeunana.

Mayar via QIWI

Ladenan pamayaran online QIWI anu populér tiasa dianggo pikeun mayar jasa Apple dugi ka 5 Mei. Saatos tanggal ieu, operasi janten teu mungkin. Dina waktos anu sami, QIWI nyatakeun2that such a decision was made by the service provider through which the company conducted financial transactions with Apple.

Pembayaran tagihan telepon sélulér

Dina hiji waktu, metoda ieu meunang popularitas greatest. Akun Apple ID dihijikeun kana kasaimbangan dina nomer operator sélulér. Ku kituna, éta mungkin mayar purchases digital dina ékosistem Apple tanpa komisi a.

Kusabab 12 Méi, kasempetan ieu ngiles ti palanggan operator Megafon, Yota sareng Tele2.3. Apparently, the American company will soon limit the possibility of paying from a mobile phone account with other operators. Those for whom the purchase of Apple services is critical can top up their internal wallet in advance from their mobile phone account.

Mayar ti kartu bank asing

If you have cards of any other bank that is not opened in the territory of the Federation, then it can be used when paying for subscriptions. To do this, you need to link the card to your Apple ID and delete the previously existing ones. 

Saatos ngenalkeun larangan Apple, muncul jasa anu nawiskeun janten perantara dina kéngingkeun aksés ka kartu asing, tapi aranjeunna henteu tiasa disebat 100% aman. Éta langkung saé pikeun milarian réréncangan anu gaduh kartu asing, anu anjeun percanten pisan.

Patarosan sareng jawaban populér

Consider the two most common questions that also concern users. Healthy Food Near Me asked to answer them Grigory Tsyganov, spesialis puseur layanan perbaikan éléktronik.  

Naha peta Dunya dirojong di App Store?

Kusabab 24 Maret, Apple parantos ngagantungkeun kamampuan mayar pameseran nganggo kartu Mir.

Naha sah ngagunakeun kartu bank asing pikeun mayar di AppStore?

At the moment, the legislation of the Federation does not prohibit the use of foreign payment systems. But the situation at the international level is changing every day and one should be careful in this matter. 

The disconnection of a number of banks from SWIFT means the impossibility of transferring payment information abroad. The departure of Visa and Mastercard from the market makes cards of these systems not working abroad, in foreign online stores and services. And vice versa: foreign cards of these systems do not work in the Federation.

  1. https://support.apple.com/ru-ru/HT202631
  2. https://radioHealthy Food Near Me/tekhnologii/rossiyanam-otklyuchili-popolnenie-balansov-app-store-i-itunes-cherez-qiwi_nid612869_au955au
  3. https://radioHealthy Food Near Me/tekhnologii/polzovatelya-mozhno-unizhat-i-vytirat-ob-nego-nogi-murtazin-o-politike-apple-v-rossii_nid615439_au955au

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