«Toy Story 4»: sakali deui ngeunaan cinta

Satuju, rada anéh pikeun neraskeun ngarawat kartun salaku hiburan barudak éksklusif ayeuna: salian komponén visual filigree, seueur pilem animasi tiasa ngagungkeun hartos anu anjeun moal mendakan dina unggal pilem "dewasa". Sareng ieu sanés ngan ukur ngeunaan karya agung Miyazaki anu dieusi ku rujukan budaya sareng sajarah atanapi séri anu mimitina ditémbak pikeun pamirsa anu langkung kolot sapertos BoJack Horseman, tapi ogé ngeunaan pilem Disney sareng Pixar, sapertos bagian ahir Toy Story.

Another commotion in the toy kingdom: the mistress, the girl Bonnie, goes to school and returns on the very first day with a new friend — Wilkins, who she herself built from improvised materials, taking plastic cutlery as a basis. Bonnie (in appearance an absolute kindergartener, but in the West they are sent to elementary school from the age of five) does not want to part with a new pet, and he, in turn, flatly refuses to become some kind of toy and strives with all his might back to his native trash. In the end, when Bonnie’s family goes on a trip, he manages to escape and the rag sheriff Woody goes to find him.

Although Woody is not too happy about the new affection of the hostess (they, toys, if anyone has forgotten, are alive here and can not only talk and move around, but also experience the whole gamut of feelings, including jealousy, resentment and a feeling of their own uselessness), the main thing for him is to » his» child was happy. And this is the first big lesson in selfless, sincere and completely unselfish love, which presents the final Toy Story.

Perkara teu sabaraha napel anjeun ka batur, hiji poé bisa jadi waktuna miang tur mimitian bab anyar dina kahirupan anjeun.

The second big lesson the viewer learns with the doll Gabby Gabby, who lives in an antique store. A girl, the granddaughter of the owner, regularly visits the store, and the doll dreams that one day she will pay attention to her, but for this, the flaw must be eliminated — the broken sound module must be replaced. And this is quite understandable: it is difficult to claim the love of the same person if you are so annoyingly and deafeningly imperfect.

But the truth is that you can work on yourself and improve yourself as much as you like, make titanic efforts and step on your own principles, but if a person didn’t need you before these “polishing” and “tuning”, most likely you won’t be needed and after. Love is arranged a little differently, and you just need to accept it — the sooner the better.

And yet, loving, you can and should let go. No matter how attached you are to someone, one day it may be time to step aside and start a new chapter in your life. Such a step is taken by Woody, having completed the «service» to his child and for some time choosing himself and his interests.

Pamit, rag koboi. Urang bakal sono ka anjeun.

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