Krepidot lemes (Crepidotus mollis)

  • Divisi: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivisi: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Kelas: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subkelas: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Ordo: Agaricales (Agaric atanapi Lamellar)
  • Famili: Inocybaceae (Serat)
  • Batang: Crepidotus (Крепидот)
  • Type: Crepidotus mollis (crepidot lemes)
  • Susu agaric Scopoli (1772)
  • témbok agaric Scopoli (1772)
  • agaric lemes Schaeffer (1774)
  • Agaricus canescens Batsch (1783)
  • agaric gelatinous JF Gmelin (1792)
  • Agaricus violaceofuvus Wadah (1792)
  • Dendrosarcus alni Paulet (1808)
  • A crepidopus lemes (Schaeffer) Gray (1821)

Krepidot lemes (Crepidotus mollis) poto sareng pedaran

Ngaran sabenerna Crepidotus mollis (Schaeffer) Staude (1857)

Étimologi epithets generik sareng spésifik ti Crepidotus m, Crepidot. Tina crepis, crepidis f, sendal + ούς, ωτός (ous, ōtos) n, ceuli.

mollis (lat.) - lemes, lembut, fléksibel.

Awak buah cap sessile, semicircular, kidney-shaped in young mushrooms in a circle, then shell-shaped fan-shaped, from pronouncedly convex to convex-prostrate, prostrate, attached sideways to the woody substrate. At the point of attachment, there is often a long-lasting rounded bulge. The edge of the cap is slightly tucked up, sometimes uneven, wavy, with age and with high humidity it can be slightly translucent. The surface is gelatinous, smooth, matte, sometimes covered with darker small sparse hairs or scales. The color of the surface is quite variable – from light yellow fawn to yellow-orange and even brown shades. No wonder the second popular name for the mushroom is chestnut crepidot. The gelatinous cuticle is elastic and separates quite easily.

Ukuran capna ti 0,5 dugi ka 5 cm, dina kaayaan kamekaran anu nguntungkeun tiasa ngahontal 7 cm.

bubur elastis daging. Warna - nuansa tina konéng lampu ka beige, krim, warna teu robah dina putus.

Henteu aya bau atanapi rasa anu béda. Sababaraha sumber nunjukkeun ayana aftertaste amis.

Lamellar himenophore. Pelatna ngawangun kipas, berorientasi radial sareng patuh kana tempat kantétan kana substrat, sering, sempit, bercabang kalayan ujung anu mulus. Aya piring pondok anu henteu ngahontal bobot hipotétis. Warna piring dina suung ngora bodas, beige lampu, sareng umur, nalika spora dewasa, éta ngagaduhan warna semu coklat. Dina spésimén anu lami pisan, hymenophore tiasa gaduh bintik-bintik coklat beureum dina dasarna.

suku dina suung ngora, rudimentary leutik pisan, warna anu sami sareng piring, atanapi henteu lengkep.


Bubuk spora nyaéta ocher, semu coklat.

Spora (6,2) 7-8,5 × 4-5,3 µm, ellipsoid, rada asimétri, témbok ipis, lemes jeung témbok rélatif kandel, konéng caang, ampir teu warnaan, massana coklat-bako.

Krepidot lemes (Crepidotus mollis) poto sareng pedaran

Basidia 18–30 × 6–9 µm, bentukna klub, eusi granular nepi ka 30 µm, lolobana 4 spora, tapi aya ogé dua spora, tanpa jepitan dina dasarna.

Cheilocystidia 25 – 65 × 5 – 10 µm. cylindrical, bentukna botol atanapi kantong.

Krepidot lemes (Crepidotus mollis) poto sareng pedaran

Pileipellis diwangun ku lapisan ipis sél cylindrical, sakapeung rada melengkung.

Crepidote lemes mangrupikeun saprotrof dina batang sareng kayu mati tina tangkal deciduous. Mindeng tumuwuh dina grup badag dina kai tina loba spésiés, kaasup Linden, aspen, maple, poplar, alder, beech, ek, tangkal pesawat, teuing kirang sering dina conifers (pinus), promotes formasi rot bodas. Sakapeung netep dina tangkal hirup. Kapanggih di mana waé ti bulan Méi nepi ka Oktober. Puncak fruiting - Juni-September. Wewengkon distribusi nyaéta zona iklim sedeng Éropa, Amérika Kalér, Nagara urang. Kacatet kapanggih di Afrika, Amérika Kidul.

Supa anu tiasa didahar kondisional hargana rendah. Sababaraha sumber nunjukkeun sababaraha sipat ubar, tapi inpormasi ieu sempalan sareng teu tiasa dipercaya.

Krepidot lemes (Crepidotus mollis) poto sareng pedaran

Crepidot berskala éndah (Crepidotus calolepis)

- Sacara umum, éta pisan sarupa, béda dina ayana skala dina beungeut cap, microscopically - dina spora nu leuwih gede.

Krepidot lemes (Crepidotus mollis) poto sareng pedaran

Jamur tiram jeruk (Phyllotopsis nidulans)

- dibédakeun ku warna oranyeu caang tina cap sareng henteuna kutikula sapertos gelatin, ogé bau anu diucapkeun, teu sapertos crepidot lemes, anu ampir teu aya bau.

Krepidot lemes (Crepidotus mollis) poto sareng pedaran

Variabel Crepidot (Crepidotus variabilis)

- ukuranana langkung alit, pelatna kirang sering, permukaan cap henteu gelatinous, tapi dirasakeun-pubescent.

  • Agaricus babalinus Persoon (1828)
  • Agaricus alveolus Lasch (1829)
  • Pleuropus mollis (Schaeffer) Zawadzki (1835)
  • Agaricus cheimonophilus Berkeley & Broome (1854)
  • Crepidotus mollis (Schaeffer) Staude (1857)
  • Crepidotus alveolus (Lasch) P. Kummer (1871)
  • Agaricus ralfsii Berkeley & Broome (1883)
  • Nempelkeun agaric Peck (1884)
  • Crepidotus herens (Peck) Peck (1886)
  • Crepidotus mollis var. alveolus (Lasch) Quélet (1886)
  • Crepidotus cheimonophilus (Berkeley & Broome) Saccardo (1887)
  • Crepidotus ralfsii (Berkeley & Broome) Saccardo (1887)
  • Derminus mollis (Schaeffer) J. Schröter (1889)
  • Derminus cheimonophilus (Berkeley & Broome) Hennings (1898)
  • Derminus haerens (Peck) Hennings (1898)
  • Derminus alveolus (Lasch) Hennings (1898)
  • Crepidotus bubalinus (Persoon) Saccardo (1916)
  • Crepidotus alabamensis Murrill (1917)

Poto: Sergey.

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