Truffle usum panas (Tuber aestivum)

  • Jurusan: Ascomycota (Ascomycetes)
  • Subdivisi: Pezizomycotina (Pezizomycotins)
  • Kelas: Pezizomycetes (Pezizomycetes)
  • Type: Tuber aestivum (Summer truffle (Black truffle))
  • Skorzone
  • Truffle santo jean
  • Summer truffle hideung

Truffle usum panas (Truffle Hideung) (Tuber aestivum) poto sareng katerangan

truffle usum panas (T. Umbi usum panas) nyaéta supa genus Truffle (lat. Umbi) ti kulawarga Truffle (lat. Tuberaceae).

Nujul kana nu disebut ascomycetes, atawa marsupial. Baraya anu caket nyaéta morel sareng jahitan.

Awak buah 2,5-10 cm diaméterna, bluish-hideung, hideung-coklat, beungeut jeung piramida badag kutil hideung-coklat. Buburna mimitina konéng-bodas atawa kulawu, saterusna semu coklat atawa konéng-coklat, kalawan loba urat-urat semu bodas ngabentuk pola marmer anu ciri, mimitina padet pisan, leuwih leupas dina suung heubeul. Rasa buburna amis, amis, bau pikaresepeun, kuat, sakapeung dibandingkeun sareng bau ganggang atanapi sampah leuweung. Awak fruiting aya di jero taneuh, biasana lumangsung di jero deet, suung heubeul kadang muncul luhureun beungeut cai.

Ngabentuk mycorrhiza sareng ek, beech, hornbeam sareng spésiés berdaun lega anu sanés, kirang sering sareng birches, bahkan langkung jarang sareng pinus, tumbuh deet (3-15 cm, sanaos sakapeung dugi ka 30 cm) dina taneuh di leuweung deciduous sareng campuran. , utamana dina taneuh calcareous.

In different regions of the Federation, truffles ripen at different times, and their collection is possible from the end of July to the end of November.

Ieu hiji-hijina wawakil genus Tuber di Nagara Urang. Inpormasi ngeunaan milarian truffle usum tiis (Tuber brumale) teu acan dikonfirmasi.

The main regions in which the black truffle bears fruit quite often and annually are the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the forest-steppe zone of Crimea. Separate finds over the past 150 years have also occurred in other regions of the European part of Our Country: in the Podolsk, Tula, Belgorod, Oryol, Pskov and Moscow regions. In the Podolsk province, the mushroom was so common that local peasants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. engaged in its collection and sale.

Spésiés sarupa:

Perigord truffle (Tuber melanosporum) - salah sahiji truffles nyata paling berharga, daging na darkens leuwih kalawan umur - nepi ka coklat-Violet; beungeut, lamun dipencet, dicét dina warna Rusty.

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