Truffle bodas (Choiromyces meandriformis)

  • Jurusan: Ascomycota (Ascomycetes)
  • Subdivisi: Pezizomycotina (Pezizomycotins)
  • Kelas: Pezizomycetes (Pezizomycetes)
  • Subkelas: Pezizomycetidae (Pezizomycetes)
  • Urutan: Pezizales (Pezizales)
  • Famili: Tuberaceae (Truffle)
  • Ngaran: Choiromyces
  • Type: Choiromyces meandriformis (Truffle Bodas)
  • Trinity truffle
  • Truffle Polandia
  • Trinity truffle
  • Truffle Polandia

Truffle bodas (Choiromyces meandriformis) poto sareng katerangan

Truffle bodas (T. Choiromyces venosusoge Choiromyces meandriformis) nyaéta spésiés jamur kaasup kana genus Choiromyces ti kulawarga Truffle (Tuberaceae).

It is considered the most common type of truffle growing on the territory of the Federation, but does not have the same value as real truffles (Tuber).


Awak buahna diaméterna 5-8 (15) cm, beuratna 200-300 (500) g, umbi-umbian, bujur-buleud kalayan permukaan serabut, karasa warna konéng-coklat.

Buburna elastis, mealy, hampang, semu konéng, sapertos kentang, kalayan corétan anu jelas sareng ambu anu khusus.

Rasa: Supa kalayan petunjuk tina siki panggang jero atanapi walnuts sareng ambu ciri anu kuat.


Truffle bodas kapanggih ti ahir Juli nepi ka Nopémber (dina usum gugur haneut), di leuweung coniferous, diantara pines ngora jeung deciduous (dina Hazel, kalawan Birch, aspen), dina taneuh keusik jeung liat di jerona 8-10 cm, sakapeung muncul. dina permukaan tubercle leutik. Kajadian jarang pisan sareng henteu unggal taun. Nurutkeun data literatur, puncak ngahasilkeun coincide jeung ngahasilkeun suung porcini.

Éta hirup dina taneuh beueus, kapur, sedeng beueus handapeun lapisan daun di leuweung deciduous sareng konifer. Kajadian di Birch, leuweung aspen, handapeun bushes hazel di leuweung campuran dina taneuh well-warmed. Tumuwuh dina jerona 8-10 cm, jarang pisan muncul dina permukaan taneuh. Aranjeunna manggihan eta dina hillocks taneuh tanpa vegetasi, ku bau kuat.

Usum: ti Agustus nepi ka Nopémber.


White truffle (Choiromyces meandriformis), according to encyclopedias, is considered a rare edible mushroom (4 categories) with a specific not mushroom, but more meat taste. The later these mushrooms are harvested, the tastier they are.

Dipaké seger jeung garing. Aranjeunna utamana lada di saos jeung seasonings.

Jenis supa ieu mimiti mangtaun nilaina di Nagara urang ngan dina 10-15 taun ka tukang.

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